
Planning for a new district

Nyhavna is a district in Trondheim with a long history of industrial activity. It is a harbor that’s been occupied during WW2, it once was a beachfront for the cities inhabitants and it housed many of the cities working class families. These are all identities we want to preserve. We want Nyhavna to remain an active industrial neighborhood that generates jobs and revenue, however we want a greener version. Large windows in factories and businesses will demand that all activity is honest and transparent. This way industry is no longer repellent, but compelling. It triggers curiosity and activates the area throughout the day. Housing should be built in smaller projects to secure variation and diversity. Through Nyhavna the Lade trail can be connected to the city’s seafront promenade. The area can provide Trondheim with a connection to the fjord it is sorely missing and be valuable to all of the city’s inhabitants.

Done with Per Kristian Sundet, Julie Eide and Maria Smilden.